Savings that pay off.

Earn interest and unlock lower investment management fees

Interest rate


Monthly fee


Minimum balance



No promo rates.

Enjoy a 1.75% interest rate.


No fees.

You’ll never get charged for withdrawals or a low balance.


No restrictions.

Unlimited deposits and withdrawals with no minimum balance.

Man looking at phone

Unlock lower investment fees

With our tiered fee structure, every dollar you save with us helps you unlock lower investment management fees.

Phone, app, coins

Take control of your money. Our app makes it easy.

  1. Access your investments and savings in one place
  2. Easily move money in and out of your accounts
  3. Watch your savings grow with automatic deposits


Your savings account has a yearly rate. Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly.

Unlike other savings accounts, our interest rate has no “best before” date. However, our rate depends on the rate set by the Bank of Canada. When that changes, our rate may change as well.

CI Direct Investing has selected one or more of the following companies to act as your custodian: CI Investment Services Inc., Credential Qtrade Securities Inc., and National Bank Independent Network. All of our custodians are Canadian custodians under applicable securities laws and members of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (“CIPF”) which provides protection for your accounts in case of the custodians’ insolvency for up to $1 million per account type.

Yes. For example, if you had $150,000 in a savings account (no fee charged on this portion), and $10,000 in an investment account, you would qualify for a reduced fee on the invested portion.  See pricing

  • Earn 1.75% interest. No promotional rates.
  • No fees. No catch. All transactions are totally free.
  • No minimums. Deposit as much or as little as you like.

Unlike other High Interest Savings Accounts that offer an introductory rate which can expire after a period of time and default to a lower long-term rate, the rate we offer does not expire.

CI Direct Investing’s High Interest Savings Account is completely free!

Your withdrawal request will be processed within 3 business days after receiving your request (subject to initial holds on new deposits).

We recommend our savings account for those situations where keeping your money safe is of the utmost importance - like when saving to buy a house or a car.

While registered accounts (such as RRSP, TFSA, etc.) do not qualify for this particular account type, we offer similar solutions discussed below.

We will continue to offer a savings portfolio holding the CI First Asset High Interest Savings ETF, which provides a similar investment option for registered accounts.

Each client can open one savings account.

Only Individual accounts are eligible at this time.

Yes, the savings account is available to be opened via our desktop site and via the app. From the bottom of the home page on your app, click "Start Saving".

It is only available in Canadian dollars.

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Get Started Today.

Easy saving, investing and unlimited advice. Open an account in minutes.